Learning and Research – Unreal Engine 4 : Post 2 – Ideas

I have had a look at the example 3D side scroller that is included within Unreal Engine 4 (4.9.2); and the first thing I think I need to change a lot compared to this example is how the camera is used. Within the example, the camera is very static and it feels like that it is too close to the character, making it hard to see the environment around, especially when jumping. So one of my major goals over the next few weeks is to learn and create a camera system that is less static to the character, is able to move back and forth, and also able to rotate pointing towards the character.

With the character movements within the example, I feel that what is given is a great start for what I want to produce in my final version of the game, all I will need to change is how quickly the character can move and maybe try to add a double jump mechanic within the game.

Finally, after looking at what I be working with, I think that it will take a few weeks or maybe just over a month to get a very basic version of the first introduction level (which will be teaching the user how to move the character around). I feel once I have made this though, the production of the levels will be developed a lot faster.

Learning and Research – Unreal Engine 4 : Post 1

First goal

I am starting to learn and gather research into the Unreal Engine 4. I am planning to learn and understand how the Blueprints system works, so that I am able to create the first early version of my games mechanics. What I need to learn is how to make an object move about in two axis within a 3D space, which will include moving left and right and jumping. I also want to make all of the physical movements to be what I am after within the final version of the game. At this point, I am not planning on making a level to be completed, just working movement mechanics for the character.

I am also going to test out how the camera could work with the character, and how to make it move smoothly with the character without being a static movement. I will do this as part of learning how to make the basic movements. This will also include basic models which I could create within 3DS Max to create foreground and background objects to fill the space to help test out the camera and camera angles.

Second goal

I would like to start working on basic gameplay mechanics and further the movement mechanics for the character. This will include some game play aspects such as basic level design and basic puzzle solving (this could include moving an physics object to a position so the character is able to jump high enough to reach higher ground). This will be the first steps to create the first level of the game, and would be used as a basis of all future levels.

I will do update post of my progress over the next week showcasing what task I have completed and any tast that I am struggling with.

Creation of Modular Stairwell – Post two: Research and Reference

First of all, I am going to find images of stairwells from online, below each of the images, I will place the website link of where I got the image from.

Link here.

Link here.

Link here.

Link here.

Link here.

Here are some images that I have found using the search engine Google, I tried to find different styles and designs of the stairwells so that I have more variety when I start designing.

I will be doing more research about what you will find within a stairwell, such as objects.

Creation of modular stairwell – post one


I am going to be creating a modular based stairwell with textures that can be used within the game engine Unreal Engine 4.
I will be using reference images from the internet to give me design ideas and an understanding of what will be needed to make it a modular based system.

I will start of with sketches designs of a single level of the stairwell and design how they will link together.

Once I have created the sketch designs of the stairwell, I will take all of the designs that I like and create a final concept using Photoshop.

After I will create the basic shape of the stairwell within 3D Studio Max which will be used as a basis of creating the more detailed version.

Use the low poly basic 3D design to create the final detailed version.

I want to make the stairwell ready to be expanded on, so that I could add apartments at a later date, so I will make door openings.

Unwrapping and creating a base texture for the model which can be used to create the final version.

The reason for doing this project

I want to start learning the basics of creating modular models for Unreal Engine 4, so that I can create modular environments with ease with future projects. Also so I can learn some of the basic blueprints within the engine.

Other reasons are to improve my other skillsets such as 3D modeling and texturing.