Client – Burstalls Project: What have I worked on? (Part 2)

Before meeting the client, we (me and my group) were given the direction that they want the project to go. They wanted to have the outside and the inside safe room to be recreated and set within the time it was built (1899 – 1901).  We decided that we will recreate the front of the building, the hallway, stairs and the safe room and if there is time, recreated some of the rooms on the ground floor. We started to look for references online and within the History centre to get an idea and understanding of how the building would of looked at the point in history. Before going and meeting the client, we all worked on assets that could go within the building as we have not seem the inside of the building at this point.

Below I will show some of the early work I created:

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Client – Burstalls Project: What have worked on (Part 1)

Before christmas in November, we (me and my group) were given the task to recreate the outside and interior of the Burstalls building, we created concepts and ideas of what direction design wise we could go to the client. I created sketches and 3D rendered concepts of how the building could be showcased. I will show the images below:

These are the sketches I drew up before I created the 3D concepts.

These are the 3D concepts based of the sketches I created.

And these are just showcasing how the building can be shown, what perspective I could show the building as.

The final decision of the art direction was to create a fly over of the outside and inside of the building using a normal perspective, so not having the building cut like in many of the designs shown above, however the island concept maybe used.