Creating a game – Concept and Design (Part 2)

Plan of creation

My plan on creating this game is very simple and I believe that it will be a very efficient. Below I will show the pipeline that I will be using to make this game a reality.

Step one: Creating the mechanics and basic concept – First of all I will be making all of the necessary designs and concepts of the game which will be the concepts which could be from how the game will work (the mechanics) to the way the game will look within the engine; the most important part is to make sure that the mechanics of the game are solid and work correctly and make sure that there isn’t any loopholes which people could use to win the game which can make the game unfair and less fun.

Step two: Demo in paper craft – Due to the style of game that I am making (grid-based and turn-based), it should be very easy to create the game as a proper old-style board game, so I will create the game as a table top game to test out the mechanics before being created within a game engine to make sure the game works well and find any problems with the game via getting feedback which will be used to improve how the game works and also find loopholes which I can fix.

Step three: Using information to fix issues within game – Basically if there are any issues with the game, I have to go back to step one to fix and improve the game, but if their are not any issues with the game, I will be able to skip to the next step.

Step four: Creating the mechanics in the game engine (no visual design) – Creating and bug testing the mechanics within the game engine to the point where the game is functioning well and smoothly and is playable.

Step Five: Adding artwork – Adding 3D models and decent artwork design to make the game more visual attractive to make it easier to look at the game whilst other players are making their turn.

Step Six: Adding animation – adding animations to the pieces on the board (could be army soldiers) so it looks like they are moving and running and basic animations when you choose cards.


Creating a game – Concept and Design (Part 1)

Basics of my idea

I have a plan to create a game within a game engine (most likely Unreal Engine 4) which is will be strategy based, which is complex enough to have many different ways to win and play but also simple enough for a beginner players to understand the rules easy and fast so that players are able to enjoy the game without a long learning curve.

The game that I am making will be based of many of the strategy based board games which you can currently play and buy such as chess and checkers but making the game more complex with more mechanics.

The current idea of my game is to use a grid based system (like a board game like chess) but I am unsure about what type of board to use at this point, and I am looking at adding card power-ups which could be used to help advance player units, and I am also planning on using multiple types of units which will be ranked and will be able to level up to higher levels depending on what they do within the game or leveled up by using cards as I have mentioned above.