Client – Burstalls Project: What have I worked on? (Part 2)

Before meeting the client, we (me and my group) were given the direction that they want the project to go. They wanted to have the outside and the inside safe room to be recreated and set within the time it was built (1899 – 1901).  We decided that we will recreate the front of the building, the hallway, stairs and the safe room and if there is time, recreated some of the rooms on the ground floor. We started to look for references online and within the History centre to get an idea and understanding of how the building would of looked at the point in history. Before going and meeting the client, we all worked on assets that could go within the building as we have not seem the inside of the building at this point.

Below I will show some of the early work I created:

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Client – Burstalls Project: What have worked on (Part 1)

Before christmas in November, we (me and my group) were given the task to recreate the outside and interior of the Burstalls building, we created concepts and ideas of what direction design wise we could go to the client. I created sketches and 3D rendered concepts of how the building could be showcased. I will show the images below:

These are the sketches I drew up before I created the 3D concepts.

These are the 3D concepts based of the sketches I created.

And these are just showcasing how the building can be shown, what perspective I could show the building as.

The final decision of the art direction was to create a fly over of the outside and inside of the building using a normal perspective, so not having the building cut like in many of the designs shown above, however the island concept maybe used.

FMP – Gameplay and mechanics Direction Finalised

What am I planning to create?

The plan for the gameplay and mechanics for my project have not changed much compared to the original idea, but since the decision of the design direction, the project will be more focused on designing mechanics based around the main theme, which is paper/card origami. An example of how this could be used is making paper as a way to travel across danger zones, but make the paper seem floaty whilst flying. Another example is to allow the character to rip through thin paper, either as a way to hide secrets or as part of a puzzle. The puzzle elements that I originally planned to do when  starting this project will pretty much stay the same, it will still be my main focus for this project. The fighting and enemies for this project  will still be included within the game, as I feel that a conflict helps build the gameplay and story for the game; the enemies will not be complicated in any sense and they will not directly attack the character, and maybe even design it in such a way where you don’t have to destroy any enemies to win the game; it could be a way to give the user two different rewards depending on how they played the game, or even two different endings. Or the actual mechanics the character within the game will have, this also has not changed much. The playable character will be able to move left and right from walking to running speed (controllable speed is only achievable using a game pad), pushing objects, jump and double jump, and finally a basic attack which could be used to break open object and to destroy enemies.

My influences

The main game that has influenced this projects gameplay mechanics design from the start is the game series “LittleBigPlanet“, which is a side scrolling creative platformer, but only the story mode levels within the game are the influence, the reason for this is that these levels have puzzle based systems within gameplay along side basic fighting. Below I will show a clip of gameplay of this game:

Another game that has influenced the mechanics and gameplay design is “Rayman Origins” which has fun gameplay and fluid movement of the playable character.

Modeling a simple face

This is going to be a small project where I will be modeling a simple, cartoon face using the software 3DS Max. Within this project, I plan to do the following:

  • Create a very simple sketch concept of a face which I will model
  • Use this image to create a simple 3D version of this face
  • Unwrap and texture the face

I have already completed the first task, I will post the designs below.


I will update this as I complete more.

How Things Work: Visual Explanation using 3D

What is the idea?

This is a new project that I will be starting from today to build up my 3D modeling experience, and my ability to collect information from others to create something visual.

There will be two different directions I will be able to go with this project, the first being creating just a 3D visual image of the subject that I am explaining, which could be how a door lock works, to the different in size between the planets. The other direction I could go, and will be the main focus of this project will be video and basic animation. This could be done by creating a voiced over video explaining how these things work along side a animated visual representation of what I am explaining.

How will I approach this idea?

I am planning on listing out a bunch of different things I can visualise and explain to people well and easily. I will collect information about any subject areas I will use for this project from good sources (NOT WIKIPEDIA), and use them to back up any claims I make within my visual representations. This includes videos and images.

Why this project?

I enjoy learning about new things, so using this I will be able to use what I learn as a way to showcase my skill sets.

What do I plan to achieve from this?

I plan that it will help me learn more skill sets to help improve my work and my work flow. It will also allow me to showcase my skill sets to people, and has the potential of being pieces that could be within my portfolio. I also hope that people are able to learn from the content that I will make.

Future Trunks Sword (Dragonball Z) recreation in 3D – Side Project: References

I’m starting a mini side project to recreate the sword that Future Trunks uses in Dragonball Z. Below I will show some of the references that I will use:

Link here.

Link here.

Link here.

With this project, I am only planning to recreate the sword. I will be using two programs to do so. I will start of by creating a basic shape of the sword within 3DS Max which I will unwrap once complete. I will then bring the model into Mudbox, which I will sculpt shape into into the sword; then finally create a material for the sword using the inbuilt tools in Mudbox.

GrowGuu Project – What is it?

This is a project to create a very basic and simple game within the game engine, Game Maker. The basic idea is to create a player that is able to grow and shrink depending on how much the player eats (making the player grow) and if the player gets damaged (makes the player shrink).

The final version of the game will contain 3 different game modes. The first being time mode where the user will be given a limited amount of time to grow as big as possible and trying to get the best score; but there will also be danger items that will spawn which will make the player shrink if it hits the player. the longer the game game runs for the harder the game will get. My plan is to create this game mode first after creating the final prototype of the game, as it will allow me to create the essential game mechanics, and also have a fun game that people can play.

The next game mode will be level/puzzle mode, which will use the game mechanics, but in a puzzle format. One example of goals for theses levels is to reach a certain size, or simply to just reach the end of the level. The idea is to make it so that the user will have to think about how big they should get, as if they get too big, they may not fir down certain corridors  within levels. This will be the next game mode that I will create, as it will build upon the previous game mode.

The final game mode will be known as survival mode, which will be an edited version of the timed mode, which instead of having to try to get as big as you can, you have to either last for the longest amount of time, or the most waves.

The platforms that I am planning to try and get this game to work on will be Windows PC, HTML 5 and Android. But my main goal is to get it working on Windows.

Independent Practice: Character Profile – Protagonist

  • Name: Kat Bengal (Working name)
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 12 – 13
  • Animal type: Bengal cat
  • Siblings: Twin Brother (Tom Bengal – working name)
  • Skillsets: Fighting, Jumping
  • Personality: Hyper and gets mad easy

Basic Origin

Created as an experiment by humans to create a faster and stronger being. (In this world, cats, dogs and a few other animals are humanoid). Sole purpose is to protect the wild from destruction.

The character will need to be worked on more, but I think this is enough information to build from, and gives me a direction I can go.

Independent Practice: Character Profile – Antagonist

  • Name: Fetch Bull (Working name)
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 40-50
  • Animal type: Bulldog
  • Siblings: N/A
  • Skillsets: Genius, strong
  • Personality: Aggressive, short temper, loyal to his own and humans.

Basic Origin

He is a smart business dog, owns many companies, builds many buildings, and will destroy anyone who tries to stop him. He is caring for is fellow dog and humans of the big cities, helping expand. His plan is to destroy wildlife to build massive cities.

The character will need to be worked on more, but I think this is enough information to build from, and gives me a direction I can go.

Independent Practice: Character Design – Character Profile

After thinking for a few days about my game idea, I felt that I have hit a wall, not to sure what direction to do with the characters which made it impossible to create a world that makes sense for the characters. So what I will be doing is creating a character profile for my protagonist and antagonist. I feel that doing this should make it a lot easier to finalise the look of the characters and personality, which in turn will help make develop the world of the game.

I will start working on both character profiles tomorrow, but over time, the character profiles may change, depending on what direction I go with the game later on.